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The Finno-Korean Hyperwar, also known as the Hwan-Suomi Hyperwar, was an ancient war between the two most powerful empires in the world at the time. The Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate faced off against the Great Hwan Empire in a cataclysmic conflict that crashed the world with no survivors. Few groups survived the war, which claimed both the Proto-Finnic Khaganate and the Hwan empire.


8000 to 6000 years ago.

If the Turan or Ural-Altaic hypothesis is to be believed, it is likely that the (Uralic) Finnish Empire and the (Altaic) Korean Empire were closely connected before the war. The war could then be a large-scale civil war. On the other hand, it is equally possible that the similarities were due to the massive shifts in territorial control caused by the war.[1]


Lore from 60,000 BC to 8250 BC

The Ancient Finnish Empire was founded in 59745 BC, and in the next fifty thousand years, slowly rose to power throughout Europe, challenging the Empire of Atlantis. As time moved forward, Atlantis found itself on a slow decline, worsened by periods of glaciation that only strengthened the Finnish Empire’s drive southward.

The only major powers early on were Atlantis and the Finnish Empire, but soon Hyberia emerged as a great power on Lemuria, waging war to conquer African Atlantis, collapsing their holdings in all but South Africa and the west coast. The Emu Confederation emerged during the Hyberian Civil War, and Hyberia was soon exiled by the rising Commune of Lemuria.

The Great Hwan Empire emerged in the late 13000s BC, starting in Korea and quickly conquering China. The rise of Proto-Indo Europeans around the Black Sea and the Steppes, along with the rise of civilization for the Neanderthals, challenged the Ancient Finnish Empire. Both people’s were enslaved within the Hwan and Finnish Empires, with a collection of free states and confederacies serving as a buffer zone. It was during this time that Semitic and Congo states rose. The most powerful of which was the Melanin Empire in the Congo, and the four technocracies (Wewuz, Kangs, Sheid, and Punt) on the Nile.

Atlantis fell again with the independence of the white Khaganate, and the Heuish Empire, in the Americas. The power vacuum inspired the Maya to form a centralized state, and the Emu and Hwan states began to colonize the Pacific and the west coast of the Americas. Old Israel and the Incan Empire became Emu puppets, while Hwan set up directly controlled colonies.

The Ancient Finnish Empire, to avoid civil war, granted autonomy to the Basque and Serbian regions. With time, while Serbia remained an autonomous region, the Basque State became de facto independent, and both nations would ally with the Great Hwan Empire in the Hyperwar. The Basque State and the Finnish nearly went to war over the growing independence, and the Basque-Finnic Treaty of 8600 established borders and Basque Independence.

During the 9000s BC, the Ancient Swedish Empire set its sights on Mesopotamia and India. Several dozen Indo-European, Semitic, and other states were already established, but the Finns invaded to counter growing Hwan influence in the region. Hwan participated in the land grab by taking Persia, and claimed India and Mesopotamia for itself, setting the stage of war. The war would be fought by land, sea, air, and space.


After the collapse of the Hwan empire, the Proto-Finnic Khaganate withdrew soldiers from Asia to fight the War on Autism. The Khaganate was unsuccessful, and Autism consumed and collapsed the empire. From the ashes of the two empires gave rise to later civilizations. Asia, now depopulated, gave rise to many branches of peoples. Europe, now demolished by autism, was eventually repopulated by Indo-Europeans starting with the ancient Greek civilizations, then the Roman empire, then other shit.[2]

There is some controversy as to how and when the war ended. Some people argue that the wars between Rome and Parthia, the Crusades, the Mongol Conquests, World War 1, and World War 2 are continuations of the Hyper War. Additionally, the war on Autism is arguably still ongoing in Finland.[3]

Linguists in the 1800s have picked up some similarities between the Uralic languages (which includes Finnish) and Altaic languages (which includes Korean). It is possible that this Ural-Altaic similarity is an artifact of this ancient event. Turanist movements in many countries memorialize the legacies of the two empires.[4]

After it everybody was killed.

It brought Earth back again to stupidity, which lasted until the rise of the Mesopotamian civilizations.

Furthermore, a Hyperwar sociologist contested that the modern claim of Mesopotamia and Egypt being the world's first civilization as numerous sex and penis evidence revealed that the Fačķĕř§ who were in Siberia is the supposed world's first hyperultra civilization. Without the war Hitler wouldn't have risen to power and other major leaders


  1. TASUKETE Oniichan (2005). "The Finno-Korean Hyperwar: What We Know". Based Reviews 6:9(420).
  2. Y.S. Cham (2018). "Recent Findings into the End of the Hwan-Suomi Hyperwar". viXra 1809.0081
  3. DAISUKI Keisatsu (1994). "Frequency of Autism-spectrum Disorders in Finnish and Japanese Children of Korean Descent". Small Arms and Autism Research.
  4. Türkçülüğün Esasları pg.25 (Gökalp, Ziya)

Further reading[]
